When Bears Drive…

…Bad things happen.

Hey there, Rowers! The Viking has just finished watching another vid posted by the King of Sweden, Robbaz!

In this vid, he’s playing a game called “Enviro Bear 2000”. This game is bold, putting a fucking BEAR behind the wheel and letting him tear ass all over the forest! FUCK the speed limit! This bear gets creative with his hunting, using his car to procure fish and the occasional psychotic badger!

Check this shit out!

This is what happens when you piss Smokey off!

Subscribe to Robbaz’s channel, or I will shove walnuts into your mouth and smack you over the head with a shovel!!


– V

Nipple Magic and a Crybaby GIRLYman Walrus!

Hey all you little Rowers out there! Rest your hands, crack your backs, and sink those teeth into this hysterical vid!!

This is Robbaz, and he’s the self proclaimed “King of Vikings”. Now, THIS Viking bows to no king, but I have high respect for this Swedish Engine of Destruction!

In this vid, the V-King is roaring through the world of Skyrim. He steals a dragon’s nipple magic, gives some vampires dental inspections and assumes the role of titties inspector briefly.

Enjoy the fun!

Ghostbusting Nipple Dentist Adventure!!

Subscribe to Robbaz’s channel! Or I’ll pitchfork you to a wall and force you to listen to Kenny Loggins records!!!


– V